The Majestic Elephant

 have you seen a picture, video or symbol of the spirit animal elephant lately?

lets break down what it means when you seen this majestic animal in the 3D world or in your dreams and visions.

The Elephant spirit animal is one of the most popular spirit animals. They have a long life and they are very protective. If you see an elephant, it means that you should be careful with what you do. But also, that there is a lot of love in your life.

Elephants are very intelligent and they have great memories. They can remember things from many years ago and they can also remember their surroundings very well. Elephants are very social animals and they care about their family members more than anything else in the world. which means that they are family oriented. They are gentle giants and they will always be there for their friends and family members if they need them.

Elephants can be aggressive at times but this only happens when they feel threatened or scared because of something that has happened to them in the past or something that might happen in the future. Yet, if you see an elephant in your dreams or on your keychain, then it means that there is love coming into your life soon! The elephant is one of the most majestic and noble creatures on Earth. It is a symbol of strength, wisdom, power and longevity in many cultures.

The elephant spirit animal represents leadership, protection, strength and wisdom. If you see an elephant then this means that you need to use your leadership skills more often.  Souls are relying on you for guidance when making important decisions about their lives or business. The elephant has linked with many different gods; in China it is considered sacred to Buddha and the Hindu god Ganesh. The elephant is also a symbol of good luck in many countries.

Elephants are social animals that live in herds with a matriarchal structure. Elephants have strong family bonds and they mourn their dead as well as help members of their herd who are hurt or sick.

if you want a video breakdown of the spirit animal Elephant, check out my YouTube video I did. 

Thank you for checking out my blog! 


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